HOW TO CUSTOMIZE BEEZ 2 TEMPLATE FOR JOOMLA! 2.5 Some times you my need to customize the default templates inorder to use them in a unique way and some of these customization are tricky especially messing with the underlying code... Fast forward ama disscuss two partial but major customization of the beez 2 template specifically in Joomla! 2.5. The two customs ama discuss are the fontsize changer on top of template and then the space which remains at top of the template after removing the font size changer. Removing the fontsize changer on top of the template Find and delete or comment this code in beez2/template/index.php: AND ALSO: 2. To remove the space left after removing the fontsize changer Go to personal.css and change the code as follows: Code before changes #header ul { display:block; margin:0px 0px 1px 0px; text-align:right; list-style-type:none; padding:10px 0px 10px 0px; po...
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