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REMOVE PROTECTION FROM FREE JOOMLA TEMPLATE AND HIDDEN LINKS are you doing, am back after small and worth sharing discovery on how to remove protection and hidden links from (Magma) the free joomla template and i thought a good idea i share with you -:).

I was just experimenting with Joomla 3.0 and needed to install a template and see how it works out..

I was using the Magma templates so if using different template you can try this and see if this is of any help to you.

The most obvious hidden link is in the footer section of the template at the copyright part...its protected because after editing it the site won't display at all.

How to remove it:
Open function.php script inside ../templates/magma folder and remove the eval() function like this:
Locate this part and comment it out:
eval(str_rot13('shapgvba purpx_sbbgre(){$y=\'Ubfgtngbe pbhcbaf\';$s=qveanzr(__SVYR__).\'/vaqrk.cuc\';$sq=sbcra($s,\'e\');$p=sernq($sq,svyrfvmr($s));spybfr($sq);vs(fgecbf($p, $y)==0){rpub \'Nhgube yvax zhfg erznva vagnpg.\';qvr;}}purpx_sbbgre();'));function artxReplaceButtons($content){$re = artxReplaceButtonsRegex();

that's all you can now edit the link located at the copyright...-:D

Next after hosting the (magma templated) site only the home page will display the rest won't... you get an error like..parse error unexpected.....line 1 of default.php.After looking at it i didn't seem to notice any error...( ^^) _U~~ ( ^^) _旦~~ after that i improvised a way out as below...maybe it helps as it did work for me...
There a lot of hidden links involved as well...i not sure but this solved the problem in my case.

Simply delete the Article folder located in ../templates/magma/html/com_content

And thats all feel free to comment your contribution is most welcome.


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